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Pulse of Change

The Accenture Pulse of Change is a quarterly C-suite survey probing into how business, talent and technology trends are shaping and driving change. The latest survey was fielded in May 2024.


July 22, 2024

Key findings

Revenue growth expectations in 2024


Of C-suite leaders expect revenue growth


expect strong growth – a 6-point increase since March

More and more c-suite leaders now say they expect to see revenue growth expectations in 2024

  • The majority are optimistic. 91% expect to see revenue growth, up from 85% in March

  • 44% of executives are now expecting “strong growth” for 2024—a 6-point increase over earlier projections

  • Nearly 90% expect growth in North America; Just 43% expect growth from their China markets – but more optimistic vs. March (33%)

  • The percentage expecting faster revenue growth fell slightly since March (66% vs 77%)



of C-suite leaders say their Gen AI investments are “outperforming” others


view Gen AI as more beneficial to revenue growth


now see more cost reduction benefit

What Gen AI Hype? C-suite leaders see returns on their investment

  • Nearly all say their Gen AI investments are performing “equally well” or “outperforming others” – 44% and 49% respectively

  • Larger companies = larger rewards: Organizations above $10 billion in revenue are more likely to see their Gen AI investment outperform their other investments

  • The majority still view Gen AI as more beneficial to revenue growth (65% vs 76% six months ago)

  • However, the percentage of those who see more cost reduction benefit is on the rise (35% vs 24% six months ago)

Gen AI ROI spotlight: impact on customer strategy

Nearly 100% of C-suite leaders say Gen AI has influenced how their businesses acquire and retain customers

  • In fact, nearly 45% believe—to the fullest extent—that their investments in tech are improving customer relationships

  • More than half (54%) claim Gen AI has impacted their customer strategy by automating customer service tasks using chatbots that provide personalized interactions in real-time

  • Looking ahead, a similar percent (51%), view Gen AI as helping them better measure customer satisfaction and gathering feedback

Top drivers of tech investments


Of C-suite leaders cite employee retention and addressing skills shortages


however, say their organizations need significant adjustments or a total transformation of their reskilling strategy

The top driver of investments in tech like Gen AI? Talent

  • Employee retention and addressing skills shortages are cited by nearly half of C-suite leaders as the top drivers of their tech investments

  • Yet nearly 90% say their organizations need “significant adjustments” or a “total transformation” of their reskilling strategy given the emergence of Gen AI. The percentage of those saying a “total transformation” is needed increased to 25% (up from 15% in March)

  • Additionally, only 41% believe their board of directors has the level of proficiency needed to make tech-related decisions that affect their company’s future

Top concerns for the remainder of 2024


keeping up with advancements in tech & innovation


adapting to shifts in consumer values/purchasing behavior


increased risks from cyberattacks/data breaches

C-suite’s top concerns for the rest of the year? Not economic uncertainty…

  • For the third quarter, C-suite leaders rank keeping up with advancements in tech & innovation as their No.1 concern (52%)

  • When implementing Gen AI, the lack of a strong cloud infrastructure is the top challenge organizations face. Determining the business value and ROI is the lowest (22%)

  • No. 2 and No. 3 concerns? Adapting to shifts in consumer values/purchasing behavior (49%) and increased risks from cyberattacks/data breaches (47%). Economic uncertainty ranks last

Deeper dive on cybersecurity

When it comes to cybersecurity, C-suite leaders grapple with their organization’s readiness to defend itself from and with Gen AI

  • Nearly all believe they have at least some of the right talent and skills in place to secure their Gen AI tools

  • Yet just 45% express “complete confidence” in their organization’s ability to defend against Gen AI-driven cyberattacks in the next 12 months

  • Only 43% completely consider Gen AI a core technology that can enhance their organization's security defense capabilities. 1 in 4 believe a total transformation is needed

Tech impact look ahead

Gen AI Aside, C-suite Leaders Weigh in on the Emerging Tech They Anticipate Will Have the Most Significant Impact on Their Industry Over the Next Year​

  • The three categories most mentioned: 
    • Nearly 30% of C-suite leaders say IoT, Edge Computing and 5G Networks
    • More than 20% say AI, Machine Learning and Big Data
    • Blockchain and Cybersecurity round out the top three categories with 15%

  • Only 6% of C-suite leaders mentioned Quantum


Accenture Pulse of Change probes C-suite leaders on the issues and technology that are driving change, how leaders are responding and their perspectives on the future. For the latest edition, Accenture Research conducted a survey of 2,800 C-suite executives across 18 countries and a variety of industries and functions. The survey was fielded in May 2024. The global sample has a margin of error of +/- 1.9%.

• Chief Executive Officer

• Chief Financial Officer

• Chief HR Officer

• Chief Marketing Officer

• Chief Sales/Customer Officer

• Chief Experience Officer

• Chief Operating/Supply Chain & Operations Officer

• Chief Production Officer/R&D lead

• Chief Strategy Officer

• Chief Innovation Officer

• Chief Technology Officer

• Chief Information Officer

• Chief Data/Analytics Officer

• Australia

• Brazil

• Canada 

• China 

• France 

• Germany 

• India 

• Ireland 

• Italy

• Japan

• Netherlands 

• Singapore

• South Africa

• Spain

• Sweden 

• Switzerland 

• United Kingdom

• United States

• Aerospace and Defense

• Airline, Travel, Transport

• Automotive

• Banking (Retail)

• Capital Markets (including Investment Banking)

• Chemicals 

• Communications, Media, and Entertainment

• Consumer Goods

• Energy 

• Health 

• High Technology

• Industrial Goods and Equipment

• Insurance 

• Life Sciences

• Natural Resources

• Public Service

• Retail 

• Software and Platforms

• Utilities

Previous quarters

The Accenture Pulse of Change is a quarterly C-suite survey probing into how business, talent and technology trends are shaping and driving change. The latest survey was fielded in March 2024.