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Case Study

US bank steps up Anti-Money Laundering controls

A US bank set up a secondary line of defense against financial crimes—fortifying its compliance area and avoiding millions in potential penalties.


What Accenture did


Together, the bank’s AML compliance center of excellence and Accenture’s finance and risk experts identified gaps between the bank’s existing AML controls and compliance best practices.

Designing a new Quality Assurance (QA) program

The team designed new quality assurance processes for the AML risk teams and developed new training materials to guide the bank’s operations team during the newly designed QA review process.

Implementing new process

The new processes were brought to life using Accenture’s Compliance as a Service offering (CaaS), which combines expertise, scalability and cost-effective QA capabilities.

Scaling program

Working with the bank’s AML compliance team, Accenture Delivery Centers experts conducted account reviews, performed periodic audits and tracked remediation efforts related to suspicious accounts.

Tapping into the power of SynOps

Value delivered

Achieved quality ratings of over 95 percent, up from 80 percent, on AML QA support.

Increased throughput of reviews, thereby preventing a future backlog.

Assisted in the reduction of the existing backlog of quality assurance reviews—completing 18,000 backlogged reviews in just three months.

Managed remediation of 4,000 potential control failures with front-office bank professionals and the bank’s compliance teams.

Reduced its risk of regulatory non-compliance, reputational damage and potential financial crime losses.

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