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The race to cloud: Reaching the inflection point to long sought value

januára 10, 2023 10-minút čítania


In brief

Unlocking the next level of business opportunity


of companies report an increase in the volume and/or scope of their cloud initiatives since 2020.


of total IT resources spent on maintenance.

An unprecedented commitment to cloud

Full value on the horizon

Who’s achieving more?

Embracing the Cloud Continuum

Navigating a collection of stubborn barriers

Cracking the value code

1. Pursue business and industry advantage

Utilize cloud as a force for change. Prioritize use cases according to time-to-value and align investments with emerging business strategies.

2. Design and orchestrate in the Cloud Continuum

Embrace cloud as an operating model and strategic enabler. Focus on adopting the right mix of capabilities and services across the Cloud Continuum.

3. Unleash new value from data and AI

Data excellence is the new frontier of industry competitiveness. Generating the right insights will help companies compete and grow sustainably.

4. Reimagine your operating model and people

Technology alone will not sustain cloud value. Companies must transform their people and processes to thrive in the Cloud Continuum.

5. Master cloud economics

Companies must master and optimize their cloud spend with transparency and oversight, and shift the conversation from cloud cost to cloud value.
