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How AI and SAP solutions are transforming enterprises


July 19, 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, we’re witnessing a seismic shift driven by generative AI (gen AI). According to the latest Accenture research, a staggering 43% of all working hours across end-to-end supply chain activities could soon be augmented or automated by gen AI. Moreover, 96% of executives believe that leveraging AI agent ecosystems will offer significant opportunities for their organizations over the next three years.

Recent trends such as ‘a match made by AI’ and ‘meet my agent’ are redefining business operations.

  1. ‘A match made by AI’ showcases how generative AI chatbots are transforming data interactions, providing intuitive, human-like experiences that enhance decision-making and streamline operations.

  2. ‘Meet my agent’ emphasizes the shift towards autonomous agent-driven operations where AI agents interact and take autonomous actions, driving productivity and innovation.

Our report dives into how gen AI will enhance the way people work with SAP solutions and data, and how Accenture’s own generative AI solutions can be applied to SAP systems.


of all working hours across end-to-end supply chain activities could soon be augmented or automated by gen AI


of executives believe that leveraging AI agent ecosystems will offer significant opportunities for their organizations over the next three years.

Pioneering gen AI adoption in the SAP ecosystem

We’re already seeing how leading companies across various industries are using gen AI within their SAP environments. They are leveraging AI to streamline operations, enhance decision-making, and drive innovation by, for example:

  • improving the efficiency of translating documentation
  • optimizing logistics
  • enhancing day-to-day operations with large language models

This adoption, highlighted with concrete client cases in our Technology Vision for SAP Solutions 2024, demonstrates the versatility of AI in addressing industry-specific challenges and opportunities. These organizations are setting new standards for efficiency, effectiveness, and user-centric design in AI solutions. By prioritizing user needs and leveraging advanced AI tools, they are not just keeping pace with change—they’re leading it.

This can, of course, be a complex undertaking, especially given the tightly integrated nature of many mature ERP deployments. The good news? Solutions like SAP Business AI can help customers achieve real-world results with embedded AI capabilities.

To truly understand the breadth of AI’s potential, let’s explore its transformative impact on three critical areas: supply chains, financial advisory, and security within the SAP ecosystem.

Resilient and responsible supply chains

Imagine a world where supply chains are not just efficient but intelligent - able to anticipate disruptions and adapt in real-time. Accenture’s supply chain nerve center exemplifies how companies, by integrating AI capabilities, can:

  • achieve end-to-end control and enhance predictive alerting
  • improve demand foresight and boost responsiveness
  • reduce costs and improve service levels
  • drive revenue by mitigating supply chain vulnerabilities

These supply chain vulnerabilities are estimated to cost businesses $1.6 trillion in missed revenue growth annually.

Award-winning innovation: The financial advisor

Accenture’s financial advisor, which recently won an SAP Innovation Award, is an example of the innovative solutions being built today. This tool shows the tangible benefits of embedding AI within financial functions:

  • transforms financial reporting and decision-making
  • provides clear, actionable insights
  • brings precision to complex tasks
  • automates routine processes

The financial advisor is a game-changer for financial management. It allows financial professionals to focus on strategic initiatives, providing a competitive edge in an increasingly data-driven world.

We very much value our long-standing partnership with Accenture. They are one of our most important partners in the industry for bringing innovation to our joint customers, which includes activating SAP´s embedded AI capabilities.

Dr. Philipp Herzig / Chief AI Officer, SAP

Securing the SAP ecosystem with AI

As more companies integrate AI into their core systems, securing the SAP ecosystem becomes paramount. AI-powered security features such as continuous monitoring and automated alerts help safeguard SAP environments from emerging threats like data poisoning and prompt injection vulnerabilities. By enhancing security measures, companies can ensure the integrity and performance of their AI systems, maintaining a robust defense against potential breaches.

AI offers powerful tools to identify and mitigate risks, ensuring that our digital landscapes remain secure. Building trust and resilience is imperative to protect our most valuable assets from those who would seek to exploit them.

The human-AI collaboration: Shaping the future

At the core of these innovations is the dynamic collaboration between human intelligence and AI. This synergy isn’t just about technology taking over human tasks; it’s about enhancing our capabilities and opening new avenues for creativity and efficiency. AI allows professionals to focus on higher-value activities by handling routine tasks and providing deep, data-driven insights.

The future of work is not humans versus machines - it’s humans and machines working together. The journey towards a smarter, more autonomous enterprise is well underway, with AI leading the charge.

To dive deeper into how Accenture and SAP solutions are transforming enterprises, read the full Accenture Technology Vision for SAP Solutions 2024.


Stéphanie Guimbellot

Global Lead – SAP Innovation & Sustainability, Accenture