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Future borders 2030: From vision to reality

setembro 6, 2022 5-minutos de leitura


In brief

Welcome to borders 2030

Trend 1: Frictionless by design


Imagine the barriers that make it hard to comply today are gone - everything from long lines to confusion due to language barriers.

Border technology

Imagine border agencies use automation, AI, data and analytics, machine learning, digital identity and blockchain to join up the travel journey.

Physical checkpoints

Imagine physical checkpoints that do exist are dynamically configured to accommodate different levels of need.

Trend 2: From trust to truth

Identity confirmation

Imagine when travelers arrive at a checkpoint facial recognition tech powered by biometrics and spoof detection can confirm their identity.

Digital wallets

Imagine travelers carry identity credentials in digital wallets, sharing only the information that is necessary to share.

IoT tech

Imagine IoT tech makes it possible to know a product’s carbon footprint and that unethical labor practices weren’t involved in making it.

Trend 3: Virtual frontiers

Reality technology

Imagine travelers can preview destinations, learn about local cultures and augment actual trips thanks to extended reality technology.


Imagine virtual tourism pushes border offices into the metaverse, and most countries have entirely virtual functions.

Government trade

Imagine a wholly new channel of interaction for business-to-consumer, business-to-business and business-to-government trade.


of agency leaders said in 2021 that they expected to revise their organization’s purpose and vision statement within 12 months.


of travelers expect international border processes will look dramatically different in 2030.

Future borders

James Canham

Managing Director – Strategy & Consulting, Global Border Services

Prasanna Ellanti

Managing Director – Health & Public Service, Border Services

Maurine Fanguy

Managing Director – Accenture Federal Services, Public Safety Portfolio, Homeland Security


Sarah Berger

Senior Principal – Accenture Research

Phillip Pollman

Research Specialist – Accenture Research, Public Service