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Reimagining the Agenda


“Not meeting the SDGs is a real concern. It’s also an enormous opportunity for companies that reinvent their enterprises and harness sustainability as one of the key forces of change in the next decade—using technology and innovation to drive growth.”

— PETER LACY, Global Sustainability Services Lead and Chief Responsibility Officer – Accenture

Global sustainability agenda is off track

Sustainability is the core of resilience

Resilience ingredients for CEOs

Adopt sustainable business models

Establish ambitious, science-based climate targets

Adopt a nature-positive business strategy

Include ESG impacts in investment decisions

Invest in the mental and physical health of employees

Build and engage a representative workforce

Upskill and/or reskill your workforce for the green transition

Align leadership incentives to sustainability—based on values and outcomes

Advance the collection of standardized, high-quality data

Enhance supply chain visibility and engagement

Apply analytics-driven scenario planning in business processes

Embed sustainability criteria into Research & Development

Accelerate adoption of renewable energy to secure your energy supply

Engage in strategic partnerships

Advocate for strong sustainability and resilience policy

CEOs' asks of policymakers

Align NDCs at 1.5°c

Cooperate on carbon pricing

Realize a biodiversity framework

Action on adaptation financing

Align regulatory systems to foster innovation

Standardize ESG reporting frameworks

Enable the circular economy

Invest in sustainable basic infrastructure

Support policy for a just transition

Provide education and financing for SMEs

Meet the team

Peter Lacy

Global Sustainability Services Lead & Chief Responsibility Officer

Michael D. Hughes

Director – Sustainability Strategy & UN Programs Lead

Emilia Hull

Manager – Sustainability Strategy & Study Lead

Explore our latest insights


Sustainability (Services)

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Accenture's 360° Value Reporting Experience

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Supply Chain & Operations

Can You See Your Scope 3?

Can you see and act on emissions across all supplier tiers? You can now.


Prior UNGC-Accenture CEO Study reports